Tax is valid Scrabble Word

Is tax a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tax valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAX in dictionary:

Words related to TAX

taxed13 taxer12 taxers13 taxes12 taxing14 taxings15 taxless14 taxor12 taxors13

Words that contain TAX

taxa11 taxi11 ataxy15 retax12 taxed13 taxer12 taxes12 taxis12 taxol12 taxon12 taxor12 taxus12 untax12 ataxia13 ataxic15 eutaxy16 nontax13 pretax15 surtax13 syntax16 taxeme15 taxers13 taxied14 taxies13 taxing14 taxite13 taxman15 taxmen15 taxols13 taxons13 taxors13 antitax14 ataxias14 ataxics16 ataxies14 betaxed17 curtaxe16 epitaxy19 eutaxia14 meataxe16 overtax17 posttax16 retaxed15 retaxes14 subtaxa16 taxable16 taxably19 taxemes16 taxemic18 taxicab18 taxiing15 taximan16 taximen16 taxings15 taxises14 taxites14 taxitic16 taxiway20 taxless14 taxpaid17 taxwise17 taxying18 untaxed15 untaxes14 zootaxy26 aftertax18 curtaxes17 dystaxia19 dystaxic21 epitaxes17 epitaxic19 epitaxis17 eutaxias15 eutaxies15 eutaxite15 geotaxes16 geotaxis16 meataxes17 nontaxes15 retaxing16 subtaxon17 supertax17 surtaxed16 surtaxes15 syntaxes18 taxables17 taxation15 taxative18 taxiarch20 taxicabs19 taxingly19 taxiways21 taxonomy20 taxpayer20 undertax16 untaxing16 ecotaxes17 aerotaxes16 aerotaxis16 anthotaxy22 Show more ...

How to use TAX in a sentence

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