Envying is valid Scrabble Word

Is envying a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is envying valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ENVYING in dictionary:

Words related to ENVYING

envied10 envies9 envy10 envyingly19

Words that contain ENVYING

envyings15 envyingly19 unenvying16

How to use ENVYING in a sentence

Similar words containing VY without suffix ing and without prefix en

ivy9 bevy12 cavy12 davy11 envy10 jivy17 levy10 navy10 tivy10 wavy13 avyze20 bevvy16 bivvy16 carvy13 chevy16 chivy16 civvy16 curvy13 divvy15 gravy12 grovy12 heavy14 lavvy14 leavy11 luvvy14 marvy13 navvy14 nervy11 peavy13 pervy13 poovy13 privy13 savvy14 senvy11 skivy15 stivy11 vying12 avyzed22 avyzes21 chavvy20 chivvy20 covyne14 groovy13 livyer12 scurvy14 shelvy15 skeevy16 skivvy19 spivvy17 vyings13 anchovy18 avyzing23 covynes15 divying15 ivyleaf16 ivylike17 levying14 livyers13 muscovy17 replevy15 revying14 tantivy13 vyingly17 bevvying20 bivvying20 chevying20 chivying20 divvying19 envyings15 heavyish20 heavyset17 navvying18 outvying15 savvying18 chivvying24 envyingly19 skivvying23 unenvying16 jovysaunce25 replevying19 superheavy21 ultraheavy19 heavyweight27 jovysaunces26 heavyhearted25 heavyweights28 heavyheartedly30 heavyheartednes28 superheavyweigh33 superheavyweight34 heavyheartedness29 superheavyweights35 heavyheartednesses31
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