Pup is valid Scrabble Word

Is pup a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pup valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PUP in dictionary:

Words related to PUP

pupped13 pupping14 pups8

Words that contain PUP

pupa8 pups8 pupu8 pupae9 pupal9 pupas9 pupil9 puppy14 pupus9 puppo11 pupate10 pupils10 pupped13 puppet12 slipup10 prepupa13 puparia11 pupated12 pupates11 pupfish17 pupilar11 puppets13 puppied14 puppies13 pupping14 pupunha14 slipups11 steepup11 mudpuppy20 outpupil12 prepupae14 prepupal14 prepupas14 puparial12 puparium14 pupating13 pupation12 pupilage13 pupilary15 pupillar12 puppetry17 puppodum17 puppydom20 puppying18 puppyish20 puppyism19 pupunhas15 hushpuppy24 outpupils13 pupations13 pupfishes19 pupilages14 pupillage14 pupillary16 pupillate13 pupilship18 puppeteer15 puppodums18 puppydoms21 puppyhood22 puppyisms20 puppylike22 mudpuppies19 pupigerous15 pupilarity17 pupillages15 pupillated15 pupillates14 pupilships19 pupiparous16 puppeteers16 puppetlike20 puppetries16 puppyhoods23 hushpuppies23 pupillarity18 pupillating16 puppeteered18 pupilability21 pupilarities16 puppeteering19 pupillarities17 interpupillary21 pupilabilities20

How to use PUP in a sentence

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