Lug is valid Scrabble Word

Is lug a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lug valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LUG in dictionary:

Words related to LUG

lugged9 lugging10 lugs5

Words that contain LUG

glug6 luge5 lugs5 plug7 slug5 glugs7 kluge10 luged7 luger6 luges6 plugs8 slugs6 beluga9 bluggy13 colugo9 deluge8 flugel10 kluged12 kluges11 lugers7 lugged9 lugger8 luggie8 luging8 unplug9 belugas10 colugos10 deluged10 deluges9 earplug10 flugels11 glugged11 kluging13 lugeing9 luggage10 luggers9 luggies9 lugging10 lughole11 lugings9 lugsail8 lugworm13 plugged12 plugger11 plugola10 slugged10 slugger9 unplugs10 bluggier12 chugalug15 deluging11 earplugs11 fireplug14 glugging12 lugeings10 luggable12 luggages11 lugholes12 lugsails9 lugworms14 pluggers12 plugging13 plughole14 plugless11 plugolas11 plugugly15 roseslug9 slugabed12 slugfest12 sluggard11 sluggers10 slugging11 sluggish13 slughorn12 sluglike13 bluggiest13 chugalugs16 fireplugs15 flugelman15 flugelmen15 fustilugs13 gluggable14 luggables13 plugboard15 pluggings14 plugholes15 roseslugs10 slugabeds13 slugfests13 sluggabed14 sluggards12 slughorne13 slughorns13 sparkplug18 unplugged14 flugelhorn17 lugubrious13 plugboards16 pluguglies14 sluggabeds15 sluggardly16 Show more ...

How to use LUG in a sentence

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