Hugs is valid Scrabble Word

Is hugs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hugs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HUGS in dictionary:

Words related to HUGS

hug7 hugged12 hugging13

Words that contain HUGS

chugs11 thugs9 bearhugs14

How to use HUGS in a sentence

Similar words containing HUG without suffix s

hug7 chug10 huge8 hugy11 thug8 chugs11 huger9 huggy13 thugs9 hugely13 hugest10 hugged12 hugger11 shuggy14 thuggo11 bearhug13 chugged15 chugger14 hugeous11 huggers12 huggier12 hugging13 meshuga13 thuggee12 thuggos12 bearhugs14 chugalug15 chuggers15 chugging16 hugeness12 huggable15 huggiest13 meshugah17 meshugas14 meshugga15 meshugge15 mishugas14 shuggies13 thuggees13 thuggery16 thuggish16 thuggism15 chugalugs16 hiphugger19 hugeously16 meshugaas15 meshuggah19 thuggisms16 chuggings17 bearhugged18 hugenesses14 meshugasen16 mishugases16 thuggeries15 thuggishly21 bearhugging19 chugalugged20 hugeousness15 meshugaasen17 meshuggenah21 meshuggeneh21 meshuggener18 chugalugging21 meshuggenahs22 meshuggenehs22 meshuggeners19 hugeousnesses17
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