Devoured is valid Scrabble Word

Is devoured a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is devoured valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEVOURED in dictionary:

Words related to DEVOURED

devour10 devouring14 devours11

How to use DEVOURED in a sentence

Similar words containing VOUR without suffix ed and without prefix de

avoure9 devour10 dyvour13 favour12 savour9 avoures10 devours11 dyvours14 dyvoury17 favours13 fervour13 flavour13 savours10 savoury13 devourer12 favoured15 favourer14 fervours14 flavours14 flavoury17 savoured12 savourer11 savourly14 devourers13 devouring14 disfavour16 dyvouries16 endeavour13 favourers15 favouring16 favourite15 flavoured16 flavourer15 mavournin14 outsavour12 savourers12 savourier12 savouries12 savourily15 savouring13 unsavoury15 devourment16 disfavours17 endeavours14 favourable18 favourably21 favourites16 favourless16 flavourers16 flavourful19 flavouring17 flavourist16 mavourneen15 mavournins15 outsavours13 overfavour19 perfervour18 savouriest13 savourless13 unfavoured17 flavourier16 devouringly19 devourments17 disfavoured19 disfavourer18 endeavoured16 endeavourer15 favouringly21 favouritism19 flavourings18 flavourists17 flavourless17 flavoursome19 mavourneens16 outsavoured15 overfavours20 perfervours19 savouriness14 unfavourite17 unflavoured18 unsavourily17 unsavourier14 flavouriest17 disfavourers19 disfavouring20 endeavourers16 endeavouring17 favouredness19 favouritisms20 flavourfully24 outsavouring16 overfavoured22 unfavourable20 unfavourably23 unsavouriest15 endeavourment19 overfavouring23 savourinesses16 unsavouriness16 endeavourments20 Show more ...
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