Tot is valid Scrabble Word

Is tot a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tot valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TOT in dictionary:

Words related to TOT

tots4 totted7 totting8 tottings9

Words that contain TOT

stot4 tote4 tots4 pitot7 stots5 stott5 total5 toted6 totem7 toter5 totes5 totty8 aptote8 pitots8 prutot8 ptotic10 stotin6 stotts6 stotty9 totals6 totara6 totems8 toters6 tother9 toting7 totted7 totter6 tottie6 aptotes9 aptotic11 entotic9 ketotic13 litotes7 litotic9 mitotic11 paletot9 prutoth12 retotal7 stotins7 stotted8 stotter7 stottie7 tetotum9 totable9 totaled8 totally10 totanus7 totaras7 totemic11 tothers10 totient7 totters7 tottery10 tottier7 totties7 totting8 viretot10 amitotic12 autotest8 autotomy13 autotune8 autotype13 autotypy16 factotum15 ototoxic17 paletots10 retotals8 rototill8 stotinka12 stotinki12 stotinov11 stotious8 stotters8 stotties8 stotting9 subtotal10 tallitot8 teetotal8 teetotum10 tetotums10 totaling9 totalise8 totalism10 totalist8 totality11 totalize17 totalled9 toteable10 totemism12 totemist10 totemite10 totients8 totitive11 tottered9 totterer8 tottiest8 tottings9 tottring9 triptote10 viretots11 apoptotic15 aristotle9 asymptote16 athetotic14 autotelic11 autotests9 autotimer11 autotomic13 autotoxic18 autotoxin16 autotroph14 autotunes9 autotyped15 autotypes14 autotypic16 costotomy16 cystotomy19 cytotaxes21 cytotaxis21 cytotoxic23 cytotoxin21 ectotherm16 factotums16 halitotic14 hottentot12 keratotic15 lectotype16 leptotene11 monoptote13 octothorp16 phototaxy24 phototube16 phototype19 phototypy22 phytotomy22 phytotron17 prototype16 retotaled10 rototills9 shabbatot16 stottered10 subtotals11 symptotic18 tallitoth12 teetotals9 teetotums11 totalised10 totaliser9 totalises9 totalisms11 totalists9 totalized19 totalizer18 totalizes18 totalling10 totanuses9 totaquine18 totemisms13 totemists11 totemites11 totitives12 totterers9 tottering10 triptotes11 stotinkas13 totterier9 attotesla9 aristotles10 asymptotes17 asymptotic19 autoteller10 autotheism15 autotheist13 autotimers12 autotomies12 autotomise12 autotomize21 autotomous12 autotoxins17 autotrophs15 autotrophy18 autotypies15 autotyping16 cytotoxins22 ectotherms17 enphytotic20 exocytotic24 hottentots13 keratotomy19 lectotypes17 leptotenes12 monoptotes14 octothorps17 phototaxes22 phototaxis22 phototonic17 phototonus15 phototoxic24 phototrope17 phototroph20 phototropy20 phototubes17 phototyped21 phototypes20 phototypic22 phytotoxic27 phytotoxin25 phytotrons18 prototroph17 prototypal17 prototyped18 prototypes17 prototypic19 retotaling11 retotalled11 rototilled11 rototiller10 somatotype17 stottering11 subtotaled13 subtotally15 teetotaled11 teetotaler10 teetotally13 tetraptote12 totalisers10 totalising11 totalistic12 totalities10 totalizers19 totalizing20 totaquines19 totemistic14 totipotent12 totterings11 octothorpe17 totteriest10 attoteslas10 antimitotic15 autotellers11 autotheisms16 autotheists14 autotomised14 autotomises13 autotomized23 autotomizes22 autotoxemia20 autotrophic18 costotomies15 cystotomies18 ectothermic20 ectotrophic20 endocytotic19 endomitotic16 epiphytotic23 glyptotheca22 haptotropic20 hepatotoxic25 mitotically18 nototherium16 ototoxicity23 pantothenic18 phototactic20 phototaxies23 phototropes18 phototrophs21 phototropic20 phototypies21 phototyping22 phytotomies21 phytotomist21 phytotoxins26 pinocytotic20 prototrophs18 prototrophy21 prototyping19 retotalling12 rototillers11 rototilling12 somatotonia13 somatotonic15 somatotyped19 somatotypes18 subtotaling14 subtotalled14 teetotalers11 teetotaling12 teetotalism13 teetotalist11 teetotalled12 teetotaller11 tetraptotes13 totalisator11 totalizator20 totemically18 totipalmate15 totipotency18 totteringly15 octothorpes18 amitotically19

How to use TOT in a sentence

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