Aide is valid Scrabble Word

Is aide a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is aide valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AIDE in dictionary:

Words related to AIDE

aides6 assistant9

Words that contain AIDE

aided7 aider6 aides6 waide9 zaide15 laide6 aiders7 braide9 laided8 maided10 maiden9 raided8 raider7 zaideh19 alcaide10 braided11 braider10 knaidel12 maidens10 plaided11 raiders8 saidest8 staider8 unaided9 zaidehs20 abraided12 alcaides11 braiders11 braidest11 effraide15 knaidels13 maidenly14 staidest9 abraider11 callaides12 embraided15 maidenish15 mermaiden14 paideutic14 unaidedly14 unbraided13 upbraided15 upbraider14 abraiders12 gleemaiden14 handmaiden17 maidenhair16 maidenhead17 maidenhood17 maidenlike17 maidenweed17 mermaidens15 paideutics15 unmaidenly16 unpurvaide16 upbraiders15 abraidedly17 maidenlier13 bridemaiden17 cornbraided17 gleemaidens15 handmaidens18 maidenhairs17 maidenheads18 maidenhoods18 maidenweeds18 nursemaided15 overplaided18 maidenliest14 bridemaidens18 maidenliness15 counterraided17 maidenlinesses17 triskaidekaphob31 triskaidekaphobia33 triskaidekaphobias34

How to use AIDE in a sentence

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