Test is valid Scrabble Word

Is test a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is test valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TEST in dictionary:

Words related to TEST

testable10 tested7 testing8 testings9 tests5

Words that contain TEST

testa5 teste5 tests5 testy8 aptest8 attest6 cutest8 detest7 eftest9 latest6 litest6 mutest8 obtest8 oftest9 retest6 testae6 tested7 testee6 tester6 testes6 testis6 teston6 acutest9 attests7 blatest9 brutest9 cantest9 contest9 curtest9 daftest11 deftest11 detests8 fastest10 fattest10 featest10 fittest10 hautest10 hottest10 iratest7 justest14 latests7 leftest10 meetest9 mootest9 mostest9 neatest7 obtests9 pattest9 pertest9 pretest9 protest9 retests7 saftest10 saltest7 softest10 subtest9 tartest7 tautest7 testacy12 testate7 testees7 testern7 testers7 testier7 testify13 testily10 testing8 testons7 testoon7 testril7 testudo8 tritest7 vastest10 wattest10 weetest10 wettest10 whitest13 wottest10 bestest9 testata7 adeptest11 alertest8 astutest8 attested9 attester8 attestor8 autotest8 beautest10 bluntest10 brentest10 chastest13 coattest10 contests10 detested10 detester9 doiltest9 exactest17 faintest11 feintest11 flattest11 fleetest11 Show more ...

How to use TEST in a sentence

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