Chang is valid Scrabble Word

Is chang a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is chang valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CHANG in dictionary:

Words related to CHANG


Words that contain CHANG

changa12 change12 changs12 changed14 changer13 changes13 changers14 changeup16 changing15 exchange21 rechange14 archangel15 changeful18 changeups17 exchanged23 exchanger22 exchanges22 rechanged16 rechanges15 unchanged16 archangels16 changeable18 changeably21 changeless16 changeling17 changeover19 exchangers23 exchanging24 gearchange17 rechanging17 unchanging17 seachanger16 archangelic19 autochanger17 changefully23 changelings18 changeovers20 changeround18 chimichanga24 gearchanges18 interchange17 shortchange20 seachangers17 autochangers18 changearound19 changelessly21 changerounds19 chimichangas25 exchangeable27 exchangeably30 interchanged19 interchanger18 interchanges18 moneychanger23 shortchanged22 shortchanger21 shortchanges21 unchangeable20 unchangeably23 unchangingly22 changeability24 changearounds20 changefulness22 counterchange21 interchangers19 interchanging20 moneychangers24 shortchangers22 shortchanging23 changeableness22 changelessness20 counterchanged23 counterchanges22 unchangingness21 changeabilities23 changefulnesses24 counterchanging24 exchangeability33 interchangeable23 interchangeably26 interchangement23 unchangeability26 unchangingnesse22 interchangeabil23 unchangeabiliti23 exchangeabiliti30 changeablenesse23 unchangeablenes23 changelessnesse21 noninterchangea21 unchangeableness24 unchangingnesses23 changelessnesses22 changeablenesses24 exchangeabilities32 unchangeabilities25 interchangeability29 noninterchangeable26 unchangeablenesses26 interchangeableness27 Show more ...

How to use CHANG in a sentence

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