Tented is valid Scrabble Word

Is tented a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tented valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TENTED in dictionary:

Words related to TENTED

tent4 tenting8 tents5

Words that contain TENTED

stented8 ostented9 patented11 untented9 contented12 unpatented13 contentedly17 discontented16 malcontented17 miscontented17 contentedness16 discontentedly21 malcontentedly22 contentednesses18 discontentednes19 malcontentednes20 malcontentedness21 discontentedness20 malcontentednesses23 discontentednesses22

How to use TENTED in a sentence

Similar words containing TENT without suffix ed

tent4 stent5 tenth8 tents5 tenty8 attent6 detent7 extent13 intent6 latent6 ostent6 patent8 potent8 stents6 tenter6 tenths9 tentie6 untent6 attents7 content9 detente8 detents8 distent8 entente7 extents14 intents7 latents7 ostents7 patents9 portent9 potents9 stented8 stentor7 tentage8 tenters7 tentful10 tenthly13 tentier7 tentigo8 tenting8 untents7 untenty10 appetent12 attentat8 contents10 detentes9 distents9 ententes8 existent15 impotent12 intently11 latently11 ostented9 patented11 patentee10 patently13 patentor10 penitent10 portents10 potently13 renitent8 stenting9 stentors8 stentour8 tentacle10 tentages9 tentered9 tentfuls11 tentiest8 tentigos9 tentings9 tentless8 tentlike12 tentoria8 tentpole10 tentwise11 untented9 advertent13 annectent11 attentats9 attention9 attentive12 competent15 contented12 contently14 detention10 detentist10 existents16 hottentot12 impotents13 insistent9 intention9 intentive12 nilpotent11 obtention11 ostenting10 patentees11 patenting12 patentors11 penitents11 potentate11 potential11 potentise11 potentize20 prepotent13 remittent11 resistent9 retention9 retentive12 sententia9 stentours9 subpotent13 tentacled12 tentacles11 tentacula11 tentation9 tentative12 tentering10 tentmaker15 tentorial9 tentorium11 tentpoles11 unipotent11 untentier9 untenting10 abstention12 armipotent14 attentions10 coexistent19 consistent12 contenting13 contention12 detentions11 detentists11 discontent13 distention11 equipotent21 hottentots13 idempotent15 ignipotent13 impenitent14 impotently17 inappetent14 inexistent17 intentions10 intentness10 malcontent14 miscontent14 nilpotents12 obtentions12 oftentimes15 omnipotent14 overpotent15 patentable14 penitently15 persistent12 portentous12 potentates12 potentials12 potentiary15 potentiate12 potentilla12 potentised13 potentises12 potentized22 potentizes21 potentness12 resistents10 retentions10 retentives13 sententiae10 sentential10 stentorian10 subsistent12 sustentate10 sustention10 sustentive13 tentacular12 tentaculum14 tentations10 tentatives13 tenterhook17 tentmakers16 tentoriums12 totipotent12 unpatented13 untentiest10 abstentions13 abstentious13 advertently18 attentional11 attentively17 competently20 contentedly17 contentions13 contentious13 contentless13 contentment15 discontents14 distentions12 existential18 idempotents16 impenitents15 inadvertent15 inattention11 inattentive14 incompetent17 insistently14 intentional11 intentioned12 irretention11 irretentive14 malcontents15 miscontents15 multipotent15 nonexistent18 omnipotents15 ostentation11 pedetentous14 penitential13 persistents13 plenipotent15 pluripotent15 potentially16 potentiated14 potentiates13 potentiator13 potentillas13 potentising14 potentizing23 preexistent20 prepotently18 pretentious13 remittently16 retentively17 retentivity17 sententious11 septentrial13 septentrion13 stentmaster13 sustentated12 sustentates11 sustentator11 sustentions11 tentaculate13 tentaculite13 tentaculoid14 tentatively17 tenterhooks18 tentiginous12 unattentive14 unremittent13 unretentive14 consistently17 contentation14 contentments16 discontented16 existentials19 impenitently19 impersistent16 impotentness16 inattentions12 incompetents18 inconsistent14 inequipotent23 intentnesses12 intermittent14 intromittent14 irretentions12 malcontented17 miscontented17 omnipotently19 ostentations12 ostentatious12 penitentials14 penitentiary17 persistently17 portentously17 potentiality17 potentiaries14 potentiating15 potentiation14 potentiators14 potentnesses14 retentionist12 sententially15 septentrions14 stentmasters14 sustentacula14 sustentating13 sustentation12 sustentative15 sustentators12 tentaculites14 unpatentable16 ventripotent17 nonexistents19 abstentionism17 abstentionist15 attentiveness16
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