Subpotent is valid Scrabble Word

Is subpotent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is subpotent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SUBPOTENT in dictionary:

Similar words containing POT without suffix ent and without prefix sub

pot5 pote6 pots6 pott6 spot6 capot9 depot8 impot9 potae7 potch12 poted8 potes7 potin7 potoo7 potsy10 potto7 potts7 potty10 repot7 spots7 potus7 bampot12 bespot10 bowpot13 capote10 capots10 compot12 depots9 despot9 hotpot11 huppot13 impots10 inkpot12 jampot17 potaes8 potage9 potale8 potash11 potass8 potato8 potboy13 potche13 poteen8 potent8 potful11 potgun9 pother11 pothos11 poting9 potins8 potion8 potjie15 potman10 potmen10 potoos8 potpie10 potsie8 potted9 potter8 pottle8 pottos8 potzer17 repots8 respot8 rumpot10 sapota8 sapote8 sexpot15 spotty11 teapot8 tinpot8 tompot10 antipot9 apothem14 bampots13 barmpot13 bespots11 bowpots14 capotes11 chuppot16 compote13 compots13 dashpot13 despots10 eyespot12 firepot12 fusspot12 galipot10 gluepot10 hotpots12 hotspot12 huppoth17 inkpots13 inkspot13 jackpot22 jampots18 nepotic11 pinspot11 potable11 potager10 Show more ...
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