Sing is valid Scrabble Word

Is sing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SING in dictionary:

Words related to SING

can5 do3 may8 sang5 say6 shall8 singable11 singing9 singingly14 singings10 sings6 sung5 will7 wit6

Words that contain SING

singe6 sings6 using6 arsing7 basing9 besing9 busing9 casing9 cosing9 dosing8 easing7 fusing10 hosing10 lasing7 losing7 lysing10 masing9 mosing9 musing9 nosing7 posing9 rasing7 rising7 rosing7 singed8 singer7 singes7 single7 singly10 susing7 tasing7 tosing7 vising10 wising10 abasing10 abusing10 amusing10 arising8 avising11 bassing10 besings10 biasing10 birsing10 boosing10 bossing10 bousing10 bowsing13 busings10 bussing10 casings10 causing10 ceasing10 censing10 cessing10 chasing13 chusing13 cissing10 closing10 copsing12 cursing10 cussing10 dissing9 dossing9 dousing9 dowsing12 easings8 erasing8 falsing11 farsing11 feasing11 feesing11 fessing11 fussing11 gassing9 gessing9 goosing9 gossing9 grising9 guising9 gutsing9 halsing11 hausing11 hawsing14 hissing11 hoising11 horsing11 housing11 irising8 jessing15 kissing12 krising12 lapsing10 lasings8 leasing8 leesing8 lensing8 loosing8 losings8 lousing8 lowsing11 massing10 Show more ...

How to use SING in a sentence

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