Housing is valid Scrabble Word

Is housing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is housing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOUSING in dictionary:

Words related to HOUSING

house8 housed10 houses9 housings12

Words that contain HOUSING

chousing14 housings12 cohousing15 rehousing13 unhousing13 cohousings16 dishousing15 hothousing17 nonhousing14 rehousings14 hothousings18 penthousing17 warehousing18 nonhousings15 roughhousing20 warehousings19 roughhousings21

How to use HOUSING in a sentence

Similar words containing HOUS without suffix ing

house8 thous8 chouse11 choush14 housed10 housel9 houser9 houses9 housey12 shouse9 tahous9 cachous14 choused13 chouser12 chouses12 housels10 housers10 housier10 orihous10 rehouse10 shouses10 tauhous10 typhous15 unhouse10 alehouse11 aphthous16 arthouse11 baghouse14 bughouse14 cathouse13 chousers13 choushes16 chousing14 cowhouse16 dishouse12 doghouse13 funhouse14 gashouse12 ginhouse12 gunhouse12 henhouse14 hothouse14 houseboy16 housefly17 houseful14 houseled12 houseman13 housemen13 housesat11 housesit11 housetop13 housiest11 housings12 housling12 icehouse13 lymphous18 madhouse14 nuthouse11 outhouse11 pothouse13 pyrrhous16 rathouse11 rehoused12 rehouses11 taphouse13 teahouse11 thousand12 unhoused12 unhouses11 warehous14 xanthous18 acanthous14 agnathous13 alehouses12 almshouse14 amorphous16 ananthous12 arthouses12 astichous14 backhouse20 baghouses15 bakehouse18 bathhouse17 beadhouse15 bedehouse15 birdhouse15 boathouse14 brewhouse17 bughouses15 bunkhouse18 cathouses14 chophouse19 clubhouse16 coalhouse14 cohousing15 coldhouse15 cookhouse18 coolhouse14 corfhouse17 cowhouses17 Show more ...
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