Tunes is valid Scrabble Word

Is tunes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tunes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TUNES in dictionary:

Words related to TUNES

tune4 tuned6 tuning7

Words that contain TUNES

attunes7 detunes8 retunes7 untunes7 distunes9 fortunes11 mistunes10 autotunes9 tunesmith14 befortunes15 disattunes11 importunes14 infortunes13 preattunes12 tunesmiths15 unfortunes13 misfortunes16

How to use TUNES in a sentence

Similar words containing TUNE without suffix s

tune4 tuned6 tuner5 attune6 detune7 retune6 tuners6 tuneup8 untune6 attuned8 attunes7 detuned9 detunes8 distune8 fortune10 mistune9 retuned8 retunes7 tuneage8 tuneful10 tuneups9 untuned8 untunes7 autotune8 distuned10 distunes9 fortuned12 fortunes11 mistuned11 mistunes10 tuneable10 tuneably13 tuneages9 tuneless8 autotunes9 befortune14 disattune10 importune13 infortune12 opportune13 preattune11 tunefully15 tunesmith14 unattuned10 unfortune12 untuneful12 attunement12 befortuned16 befortunes15 disattuned12 disattunes11 importuned15 importuner14 importunes14 infortunes13 misfortune15 preattuned13 preattunes12 tunelessly13 tunesmiths15 unfortuned14 unfortunes13 untuneable12 attunements13 fortuneless14 importunely18 importuners15 inopportune15 misfortuned17 misfortunes16 opportunely18 tunefulness14 untunefully17 tunelessness12 unimportuned17 inopportunely20 opportuneness17 tunefulnesses16 untunefulness16 fortuneteller16 tunelessnesses14 fortunetelling18 fortunetellers17 inopportuneness19 opportunenesses19 untunefulnesses18 fortunetellings19 inopportunenesses21
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