Cursing is valid Scrabble Word

Is cursing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cursing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CURSING in dictionary:

Words related to CURSING

curse7 cursed9 curses8 curst7 maledicent15

Words that contain CURSING

cursings11 accursing14 becursing14 excursing19 uncursing12 outcursing13 precursing15

How to use CURSING in a sentence

Similar words containing CURS without suffix ing

curs6 curse7 cursi7 curst7 scurs7 cursal8 cursed9 curser8 curses8 cursor8 cursus8 incurs8 occurs10 recurs8 accurse11 accurst11 becurse11 becurst11 concurs11 cursers9 cursive12 cursors9 cursory12 excurse16 uncurse9 accursed13 accurses12 becursed13 becurses12 curseder11 cursedly14 cursillo10 cursings11 cursitor10 cursives13 cursores10 excursed18 excurses17 excursus17 outcurse10 precurse12 reincurs10 reoccurs12 uncursed11 uncurses10 accursing14 becursing14 cursedest12 cursenary14 cursillos11 cursitors11 cursitory14 cursively17 cursorary14 cursorial11 cursorily14 curstness11 decursion12 decursive15 discursus12 excursing19 excursion18 excursive21 incursion11 incursive14 outcursed12 outcurses11 precursed14 precurses13 precursor13 recursion11 recursive14 succursal13 uncursing12 accursedly18 cursedness13 curselarie12 decursions13 discursion13 discursist13 discursive16 discursory16 excursions19 excursuses19 incursions12 nonconcurs14 outcursing13 percursory17 precursing15 precursive17 precursors14 precursory17 recursions12 succursale14 succursals14 cursiveness16 cursoriness13 curstnesses13 decursively20 discursions14 Show more ...
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