Rent is valid Scrabble Word

Is rent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RENT in dictionary:

Words related to RENT

rend5 rended8 rending9 rends6 rented7 renting8 rentings9 rents5

Words that contain RENT

brent7 drent6 prent7 rente5 rents5 urent5 yrent8 brents8 gerent7 parent8 prents8 rental6 rented7 renter6 rentes6 rerent6 sprent8 unrent6 virent9 ybrent11 brenter9 current9 gerents8 horrent10 manrent9 parents9 perenty12 prented10 rentals7 renters7 rentier7 renting8 rerents7 sprents9 subrent9 torrent7 trental7 wrentit10 adherent12 afferent14 apparent12 besprent12 brentest10 coherent13 coparent12 cornrent10 currents10 deferent12 efferent14 haterent11 inherent11 manrents10 parental10 parented11 perentie10 prentice12 prenting11 quitrent17 referent11 rentable10 rentiers8 rentings9 rerented9 reverent11 sprented11 subrents10 torrents8 trentals8 unrented9 wrentits11 abhorrent14 adherents13 afferents15 apparents13 bioparent13 coparents13 cornrents11 currently14 decurrent12 deferents13 deterrent10 different16 efferents15 excurrent18 godparent13 haterents12 incurrent11 nonparent11 occurrent13 parentage12 parenting12 perenties11 phrentick20 prenticed14 prentices13 quitrents18 recurrent11 referents12 rentaller9 rerenting10 sprenting12 Show more ...

How to use RENT in a sentence

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