Or is valid Scrabble Word

Is or a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is or valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OR in dictionary:

Words related to OR


Words that contain OR

bor5 cor5 dor4 for6 gor4 jor10 kor7 lor3 mor5 nor3 oor3 ora3 orb5 orc5 ord4 ore3 orf6 org4 ors3 ort3 tor3 vor6 boor6 bora6 bord7 bore6 bork10 borm8 born6 bors6 bort6 cord7 core6 corf9 cork10 corm8 corn6 cors6 cory9 door5 dorb7 dore5 dork9 dorm7 dorp7 dorr5 dors5 dort5 dory8 eorl4 flor7 fora7 forb9 ford8 fore7 fork11 form9 fort7 goor5 gora5 gore5 gori5 gorm7 gorp7 gors5 gory8 hoor7 hora7 hore7 hori7 hork11 horn7 hors7 jors11 khor11 kora8 kore8 koro8 kors8 koru8 loor4 lord5 lore4 lorn4 lory7 moor6 mora6 more6 morn6 mors6 mort6 nori4 nork8 norm6 odor5 orad5 oral4 orbs6 orby9 orca6 orcs6 ordo5 ords5 ores4 orfe7 orfs7 orgs5 orgy8 orle4 orra4 orts4 oryx14 orzo13 poor6 pore6 pork10 porn6 port6 pory9 rore4 rort4 rory7 sora4 sorb6 sord5 sore4 sori4 sorn4 sort4 tora4 torc6 tore4 tori4 torn4 toro4 torr4 tors4 tort4 tory7 vors7 word8 wore7 work11 worm9 worn7 wort7 yore7 york11 yorp9 zori13 gorg6 fori7 iora4 nors4 abhor10 abord8 abore7 abort7 acorn7 actor7 adore6 adorn6 afore8 agora6 algor6 amort7 aorta5 aport7 arbor7 ardor6 armor7 awork12 bevor10 blore7 boord8 boors7 borak11 boral7 boras7 borax14 borde8 bords8 bored8 boree7 borel7 borer7 bores7 borgo8 boric9 borks11 borms9 borna7 borne7 boron7 borts7 borty10 bortz16 ceorl7 chord11 chore10 color7 coral7 coram9 corbe9 corby12 cords8 cored8 corer7 cores7 corey10 corgi8 coria7 corks11 corky14 corms9 corni7 corno7 corns7 cornu7 corny10 corps9 corse7 corso7 crore7 cruor7 decor8 dolor6 donor6 doorn6 doors6 dorad7 dorba8 dorbs8 doree6 dores6 doric8 doris6 dorks10 dorky13 dorms8 dormy11 dorps8 dorrs6 dorsa6 dorse6 dorts6 dorty9 enorm7 eorls5 ephor10 error5 favor11 fetor8 fiord9 fjord16 floor8 flora8 flors8 flory11 fluor8 foram10 foray11 forbs10 forby13 force10 fordo9 fords9 forel8 fores8 forex15 forge9 forgo9 forks12 forky15 forme10 forms10 forte8 forth11 forts8 forty11 forum10 forza17 forze17 frore8 frorn8 frory11 furor8 gator6 glory9 goors6 goory9 goral6 goras6 gored7 gores6 gorge7 goris6 gorms8 gormy11 gorps8

How to use OR in a sentence

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