Mole is valid Scrabble Word

Is mole a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mole valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MOLE in dictionary:

Words related to MOLE

moled8 moles7 moling9 mouldwarp17 mowdie12

Words that contain MOLE

amole7 moled8 moles7 amoles8 molest8 osmole8 molests9 osmoles9 molerat9 duckmole17 kilomole14 molecast12 molecule12 molehill13 molehunt13 moleskin14 molested11 molester10 picomole14 simoleon10 molerats10 molelike14 duckmoles18 guacamole14 kilomoles15 macromole15 micromole15 millimole13 molecasts13 molecular13 molecules13 molehills14 molehunts14 moleskins15 molesters11 molestful14 molesting12 picomoles15 septimole13 simoleons11 guacamoles15 guachamole18 macromoles16 micromoles16 millimoles14 molendinar13 septimoles14 undecimole15 unmolested13 molehunter15 bimolecular17 biomolecule17 guachamoles19 molecatcher20 molecularly18 molendinars14 molendinary17 molestation13 submolecule17 undecimoles16 molehunters16 biomolecular18 biomolecules18 molecatchers21 molecularity19 molestations14 nonmolecular16 submolecules18 trimolecular16 unimolecular16 bimolecularly22 equimolecular26 macromolecule21 molendinaries16 monomolecular19 supramolecule19 intermolecular18 intramolecular18 macromolecular22 macromolecules22 molecularities18 multimolecular20 orthomolecular21 supramolecular20 supramolecules20 monomolecularly24 intramolecularl19 intermolecularl19 intramolecularly23 intermolecularly23

How to use MOLE in a sentence

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