Disfigured is valid Scrabble Word

Is disfigured a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is disfigured valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISFIGURED in dictionary:

Words related to DISFIGURED


How to use DISFIGURED in a sentence

Similar words containing FIGUR without suffix ed and without prefix dis

figure10 figural11 figured12 figurer11 figures11 figurant12 figurate12 figurers12 figurine12 figuring13 figurist12 refigure12 configure15 disfigure14 figurable15 figurally16 figurante13 figurants13 figuredly17 figurines13 figurists13 outfigure13 prefigure15 refigured14 refigures13 unfigured14 configured17 configures16 disfigurer15 disfigures15 effigurate17 figurantes14 figurately17 figuration14 figurative17 figurehead18 figureless14 figurework21 outfigured15 outfigures14 prefigured17 prefigures16 refiguring15 configurate17 configuring18 disfigurers16 disfiguring17 figurations15 figureheads19 figureworks22 outfiguring16 prefigurate17 prefiguring18 reconfigure17 transfigure15 configurated19 configurates18 configurator18 effiguration19 figurability21 figuratively22 prefigurated19 prefigurates18 reconfigured19 reconfigures18 transfigured17 transfigures16 preconfigure20 configurating20 configuration19 configurative22 configurators19 disfiguration18 disfigurement20 effigurations20 nonfigurative20 prefigurating20 prefiguration19 prefigurative22 prefigurement21 reconfiguring20 transfiguring18 preconfigured22 preconfigures21 configurations20 disfigurations19 disfigurements21 figurabilities20 figurativeness21 prefigurations20 prefigurements22 preconfiguring23 reconfigurable22 configurational21 prefiguratively27 reconfiguration21 transfiguration19 transfigurement21 figurativenesse22 prefigurativene24 Show more ...
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