Lax is valid Scrabble Word

Is lax a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lax valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LAX in dictionary:

Words related to LAX

laxer12 laxes12 laxest13 laxities15 laxity16 laxly15 laxness14 laxnesses16 laxed13 laxing14

Words that contain LAX

flax14 flaxy18 galax13 laxer12 laxes12 laxly15 malax14 relax12 laxed13 claxon15 flaxen16 flaxes16 galaxy17 klaxon17 laxest13 laxism15 laxist13 laxity16 smilax15 laxing14 chillax19 claxons16 flaxier17 galaxes15 gravlax18 klaxons18 laxator14 laxisms16 laxists14 laxness14 malaxed17 malaxes16 overlax17 pollaxe16 relaxed15 relaxer14 relaxes14 relaxin14 curtalax17 flaxiest18 flaxseed19 galaxies16 klaxoned20 laxation15 laxative18 laxators15 laxities15 malaxage18 malaxate17 malaxing18 parallax17 phylaxis23 pollaxed18 pollaxes17 relaxant15 relaxers15 relaxing16 relaxins15 smilaxes17 toadflax19 flaxlike22 chillaxed22 chillaxes21 curtalaxe18 earthflax22 flaxseeds20 gravadlax21 gravlaxes20 klaxoning21 laxations16 laxatives19 laxnesses16 malaxages19 malaxated19 malaxates18 malaxator18 pollaxing19 relaxable18 relaxants16 relaxedly20 unrelaxed17 anaphylaxy28 chillaxing23 curtalaxes19 malaxating20 malaxation19 malaxators19 metagalaxy23 parallaxes19 phylaxises25 relaxation17 relaxative20 toadflaxes21 anaphylaxes26 anaphylaxis26 earthflaxes24 gravadlaxes23 malaxations20 prophylaxes28 prophylaxis28 protogalaxy24 Show more ...

How to use LAX in a sentence

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