Hold is valid Scrabble Word

Is hold a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hold valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOLD in dictionary:

Words related to HOLD

haud8 hauld9 held8 hild8 holdable14 holden10 holding12 holdings13 holds9

Words that contain HOLD

ahold9 holds9 aholds10 behold12 holden10 holder10 holdup12 uphold12 beholds13 holdall11 holders11 holding12 holdout11 holdups13 leghold12 toehold11 upholds13 beholden14 beholder14 coholder14 copyhold19 foothold15 freehold15 handhold16 holdable14 holdalls12 holdback20 holddown16 holdfast15 holdings13 holdouts12 holdover15 inholder12 legholds13 lifehold15 overhold15 roothold12 toeholds12 upholder14 withhold18 beholders15 beholding16 chokehold22 coholders15 copyholds20 footholds16 freeholds16 gasholder14 handholds17 holdbacks21 holddowns17 holderbat15 holdfasts16 holdovers16 household16 inholders13 inholding14 inkholder17 jobholder22 leasehold13 overholds16 penholder15 pewholder18 potholder15 rootholds13 shorthold16 stokehold17 threshold16 upholders15 upholding16 withholds19 cupholder17 beholdings17 bondholder17 buttonhold16 cardholder17 chokeholds23 commonhold20 copyholder21 fingerhold18 freeholder17 fundholder18 gasholders15 holderbats16 holdership19 households17 inholdings15 inkholders18 jobholders23 lampholder18 landholder15 leaseholds14 lienholder14 penholders16 pewholders19 postholder16 potholders16 stadholder15 stokeholds18 stronghold15 thresholds17 Show more ...

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