Gun is valid Scrabble Word

Is gun a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gun valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GUN in dictionary:

Words related to GUN

gin4 gunless8 gunned8 gunnen7 gunning9 gunnings10 guns5 roscoe8

Words that contain GUN

gung6 gunk9 guns5 aguna6 begun8 gundy10 gunge7 gungy10 gunks10 gunky13 gunny9 agunah10 agunot7 airgun7 begunk13 gundog9 gunged9 gunges8 gunite7 gunked12 gunman9 gunmen9 gunned8 gunnel7 gunnen7 gunner7 gunsel7 gunter7 gunyah13 laguna7 lagune7 outgun7 popgun11 potgun9 progun9 shogun10 tangun7 wangun10 agunoth11 airguns8 antigun8 begunks14 blowgun13 gunboat10 gundies9 gundogs10 gunfire11 gungier9 gunging10 gunites8 gunkier12 gunking13 gunless8 gunlock14 gunnage9 gunnels8 gunnera8 gunners8 gunnery11 gunnies8 gunning9 gunplay13 gunport10 gunroom10 gunsels8 gunship13 gunshot11 gunters8 gunwale11 gunyahs14 handgun12 lagunas8 lagunes8 outguns8 popguns12 potguns10 rebegun10 shoguns11 shotgun11 tanguns8 unbegun10 wanguns11 windgun12 begunked16 blowguns14 burgundy15 flashgun15 gunboats11 gunfight16 gunfires12 gunflint12 gungiest10 gunhouse12 gunkhole16 gunkiest13 gunlayer12 gunlocks15 gunmaker15 gunmetal11 gunnages10 gunneras9 gunnings10 gunnybag15 gunpaper13 gunplays14 gunpoint11 gunports11 gunrooms11 gunships14 gunshots12 gunsight13 gunsmith14 gunstick15 gunstock15 gunstone9 gunwales12 handguns13 misbegun13 shogunal12 shotguns12 speargun11 supergun11 windguns13 begunking17 flashguns16 guncotton12 gunfights17 gunflints13 gunfought17 gunhouses13 gunkholed18 gunkholes17 gunlayers13 gunmakers16 gunmetals12 gunneries10 gunnybags16 gunnysack19 gunpapers14 gunpoints12 gunpowder16 gunrunner10 gunsights14 gunsmiths15 gunsticks16 gunstocks16 gunstones10 outgunned11 pergunnah15 shogunate13 spearguns12 superguns12 burgundies14 guncottons13 gunfighter18 gunkholing19 gunmanship18 gunnership16 gunnysacks20 gunpowders17 gunpowdery20 gunrunners11 gunrunning12 gunslinger12 machinegun18 outgunning12 pergunnahs16 salmagundi14 salmagundy17 scattergun13 shogunates14 shotgunned15 shotgunner14 gunfighters19 gunfighting20 gunmanships19 gunnerships17 gunrunnings13 gunslingers13 gunslinging14 gunsmithing18 machineguns19 ramgunshoch22 salmagundis15 scatterguns14 shotgunners15 shotgunning16 chikungunya24 gunfightings21 gunslingings15 gunsmithings19 salmagundies16 chikungunyas25 gunpowderier19 machinegunned22 gunpowderiest20 machinegunning23

How to use GUN in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "gun"
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