Goes is valid Scrabble Word

Is goes a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is goes valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GOES in dictionary:

Words related to GOES

go3 going7 gone5 gwine9 went7

Words that contain GOES

goest6 begoes9 dagoes8 ingoes7 pogoes9 upgoes9 bingoes10 bongoes10 cargoes10 chegoes13 chigoes13 congoes10 dingoes9 forgoes11 fungoes11 imagoes10 jingoes15 lingoes8 mangoes10 misgoes10 mongoes10 mungoes10 outgoes8 pargoes10 pingoes10 pongoes10 tangoes8 caligoes11 drongoes10 eringoes9 eryngoes12 foregoes12 ginkgoes14 indigoes10 latigoes9 overgoes12 sapegoes11 viragoes12 voragoes12 botargoes12 embargoes14 farragoes13 mirligoes12 serpigoes12 undergoes11 vertigoes13 viliagoes13 wendigoes14 windigoes14 contangoes13 fandangoes15 flamingoes16 subimagoes15 suppeagoes15 villiagoes14 supercargoes17 pseudimagoes18 archipelagoes21

How to use GOES in a sentence

Similar words containing GOE without suffix s

goe4 goel5 goer5 goey8 ygoe8 goels6 goers6 goest6 goeth9 goety9 begoes9 chegoe12 chigoe12 dagoes8 goetic9 ingoes7 logoed8 mongoe9 pogoed10 pogoer9 pogoes9 upgoes9 bingoed11 bingoes10 bongoes10 cargoed11 cargoes10 chegoes13 chigoes13 congoes10 dingoed10 dingoes9 forgoer11 forgoes11 fungoed12 fungoes11 goeties8 imagoes10 jingoes15 lingoes8 mangoes10 misgoes10 mongoes10 mungoes10 outgoer8 outgoes8 pargoes10 pingoes10 pogoers10 pongoes10 tangoed9 tangoes8 caligoes11 drongoes10 eringoes9 eryngoes12 fairgoer12 filmgoer14 foregoer12 foregoes12 forgoers12 ginkgoes14 goethite12 indigoes10 latigoes9 outgoers9 overgoes12 playgoer14 racegoer11 sapegoes11 showgoer15 viragoes12 voragoes12 beachgoer17 botargoes12 embargoed15 embargoes14 fairgoers13 farragoes13 filmgoers15 foregoers13 goethites13 mirligoes12 moviegoer15 operagoer12 partygoer15 playgoers15 racegoers12 serpigoes12 showgoers16 undergoer11 undergoes11 vertigoes13 viliagoes13 wendigoes14 windigoes14 beachgoers18 churchgoer21 cinemagoer15 contangoed14 contangoes13 fandangoes15 flamingoes16 moviegoers16 operagoers13 partygoers16 subimagoes15 suppeagoes15 undergoers12 villiagoes14 museumgoer15 churchgoers22 cinemagoers16 concertgoer16 gallerygoer16 picturegoer16 theatergoer15 theatregoer15 museumgoers16 concertgoers17 festivalgoer19 gallerygoers17 picturegoers17 supercargoes17 theatergoers16 theatregoers16 pseudimagoes18 archipelagoes21 festivalgoers20 nonchurchgoer24 nonchurchgoers25 meningoencephal25 meningoencephalitis29 meningoencephalitic31 meningoencephalitides32
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