Flats is valid Scrabble Word

Is flats a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is flats valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FLATS in dictionary:

Words related to FLATS

flat7 flatted11 flatting12

Words that contain FLATS

mudflats14 runflats11 flatshare15 flatstick18 flatscreen15 flatshares16 flatscreens16 strandflats15

How to use FLATS in a sentence

Similar words containing FLAT without suffix s

flat7 flatly12 flatty12 flatus9 deflate11 flatbed13 flatcap14 flatcar12 flatlet10 flatted11 flatten10 flatter10 flattie10 flattop12 inflate10 mudflat13 reflate10 runflat10 afflated15 afflatus14 conflate13 deflated13 deflater12 deflates12 deflator12 flatback19 flatbeds14 flatboat13 flatcaps15 flatcars13 flatette11 flatfeet14 flatfish17 flatfoot14 flatform16 flathead15 flatiron11 flatland12 flatlets11 flatline11 flatling12 flatlong12 flatmate13 flatness11 flatpack19 flatpick19 flattens11 flatters11 flattery14 flattest11 flatties11 flatting12 flattish14 flattops13 flatuous11 flatuses11 flatware14 flatwash17 flatways17 flatwise14 flatwork18 flatworm16 inflated12 inflater11 inflates11 inflator11 inflatus11 mudflats14 reflated12 reflates11 runflats11 sufflate14 flatbrod14 afflation15 aflatoxin19 agflation13 conflated15 conflates14 deflaters13 deflating14 deflation13 deflators13 flatbacks20 flatboats14 flatbread15 flatettes12 flatfoots15 flatforms17 flatheads16 flatirons12 flatlands13 flatlined13 flatliner12 flatlines12 flatlings13 flatmates14 flatpacks20 flatpicks20 flatshare15 flatstick18 flattened13 flattener12 flattered13 flatterer12 flattings13 flatulent12 flatwares15 flatworks19 flatworms17 inflaters12 inflating13 inflation12 inflative15 inflators12 reflating13 reflation12 reinflate12 sufflated16 sufflates15 flatbrods15 flatwater15 afflations16 afflatuses16 aflatoxins20 agflations14 conflating16 conflation15 deflations14 exsufflate23 flatbreads16 flatfishes19 flatfooted17 flatlander14 flatliners13 flatlining14 flatnesses13 flatpicked22 flatscreen15 flatshares16 flatteners13 flattening14 flatterers13 flatteries13 flattering14 flatterous13 flatulence15 flatulency18 flatwashes19 inflatable15 inflatedly17 inflations13 inflatuses13 insufflate16 reflations13 reinflated14 reinflates13 strandflat14 sufflating17 sufflation16 uninflated14 flatpicker21 flatwaters16 conflations16 exsufflated25 exsufflates24 flatfooting18 flatlanders15 flatpicking23 flatscreens16 flatterable16 flatulences16 flatulently17 inflatables16 inflatingly18 insufflated18 insufflates17 insufflator17 overinflate17 reinflating15 reinflation14 stagflation15 strandflats15 sufflations17 flatpickers22 deflationary19 deflationist16 disinflation16 exsufflating26 exsufflation25 flatteringly19 flatterously18 flatulencies17 inflatedness16 inflationary18 inflationism17 inflationist15 insufflating19 insufflation18 insufflators18 overinflated19 overinflates18 reflationary18 reinflations15 slumpflation19 stagflations16 unflattering16 deflationists17 disinflations17 exsufflations26 hyperinflated25 inflationisms18 inflationists16 insufflations19 overinflating20 overinflation19 slumpflations20 underinflated18 shrinkflation23 hyperinflation25 inflatednesses18 overinflations20 stagflationary21 underinflation18 unflatteringly21 shrinkflations24 disinflationary22 hyperinflations26 noninflationary21 slumpflationary25 underinflations19 hyperinflationa26 counterinflatio20 counterinflation21 hyperinflationary31 counterinflationary27
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