Dip is valid Scrabble Word

Is dip a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dip valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIP in dictionary:

Words related to DIP

dippable15 dipped12 dipping13 dippings14 dips7 dipt7

Words that contain DIP

dips7 dipt7 dippy13 dipso8 redip8 adipic11 diplex16 diploe9 diplon9 dipnet9 dipody13 dipole9 dipped12 dipper11 dipsas9 dipsos9 redips9 redipt9 adipose10 adipous10 adipsia10 diphase13 diphone13 diploes10 diploic12 diploid11 diploma12 diplons10 diplont10 dipnets10 dipnoan10 dipodic13 dipolar10 dipoles10 dippers12 dippier12 dipping13 dipshit13 diptera10 diptyca15 diptych18 oedipal10 adipate10 adiposes11 adiposis11 adipsias11 dipchick22 diphasic16 diphenyl17 diphones14 diplegia12 diplegic14 diplexer18 diplogen12 diploids12 diploidy15 diplomas13 diplomat13 diplonts11 diplopia13 diplopic15 diplopod14 diploses11 diplosis11 diplozoa20 dipnoans11 dipnoous11 dipodies12 dippable15 dippiest13 dippings14 diprotic13 dipsades12 dipshits14 dipstick17 dipteral11 dipteran11 dipteras11 dipteroi11 dipteron11 dipteros11 diptycas16 diptychs19 oedipean11 pedipalp15 redipped14 undipped14 adipocere14 adipocyte17 adiposity15 audiphone15 dandiprat13 dipchicks23 dipeptide15 diphenyls18 diphthong19 diphysite18 diplegias13 diplexers19 diplogens13 diploidic15 Show more ...

How to use DIP in a sentence

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