Dial is valid Scrabble Word

Is dial a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dial valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIAL in dictionary:

Words related to DIAL

dialed8 dialer7 dialers8 dialing9 dialings10 dialled9 dialler8 diallers9 dialling10 diallings11 dials6

Words that contain DIAL

dials6 audial7 dialed8 dialer7 dialog8 medial9 podial9 radial7 redial7 dialin7 alodial8 cordial10 dialect10 dialers8 dialing9 dialist8 dialled9 diallel8 dialler8 dialogs9 dialyse11 dialyze20 iridial8 medials10 misdial10 mondial10 predial10 radiale8 radials8 redials8 stadial8 sundial8 uredial8 aecidial11 allodial9 autodial9 basidial11 biradial11 conidial11 cordials11 dialects11 dialings10 dialists9 diallage10 diallels9 diallers9 dialling10 diallist9 dialoged11 dialoger10 dialogic12 dialogue10 dialysed13 dialyser12 dialyses12 dialysis12 dialytic14 dialyzed22 dialyzer21 dialyzes21 exordial16 gonadial10 gonidial10 medially14 misdials11 peridial11 praedial11 prandial11 predials11 pygidial15 radialia9 radially12 redialed10 remedial11 soredial9 stadials9 sundials9 autodials10 cardialgy16 cladodial13 cordially15 custodial12 dialectal12 dialectic14 diallages11 diallagic13 diallings11 diallists10 dialogers11 dialoging12 dialogise11 dialogism13 dialogist11 dialogite11 dialogize20 dialogued12 dialoguer11 dialogues11 dialysate13 dialysers13 dialysing14 Show more ...

How to use DIAL in a sentence

Similar words containing DI without suffix al

di3 dib6 did5 die4 dif7 dig5 dim6 din4 dip6 dis4 dit4 div7 adit5 bidi7 budi7 cadi7 cedi7 dibs7 dice7 dich10 dick11 dict7 dido6 didy9 dieb7 died6 diel5 dies5 diet5 diff11 difs8 digs6 dika9 dike9 dill5 dime7 dimp9 dims7 dine5 ding6 dink9 dino5 dins5 dint5 diol5 dips7 dipt7 dire5 dirk9 dirl5 dirt5 disa5 disc7 dish8 disk9 diss5 dita5 dite5 dits5 ditt5 ditz14 diva8 dive8 divi8 divo8 divs8 dixi12 dixy15 diya8 edit5 gadi6 jedi12 kadi9 midi7 modi7 nidi5 nodi5 odic7 padi7 qadi14 rudi5 sadi5 wadi8 pedi7 didi6 addio7 adieu6 adios6 adits6 asdic8 audio6 audit6 bedim10 beedi8 bidis8 bindi8 budis8 cadie8 cadis8 cardi8 Show more ...
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