Dict is valid Scrabble Word

Is dict a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dict valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for DICT in dictionary:

Words related to DICT

dictate10 dicted10 dicting11 dicts8

Words that contain DICT

dicta8 dicts8 dicty11 edict8 dictu8 addict10 dicted10 dictum11 edicts9 indict9 addicts11 dictate10 dictier10 dicting11 diction10 dictums12 edictal10 indicts10 predict12 verdict13 addicted13 benedict13 dictated12 dictates11 dictator11 dictiest11 dictions11 indicted12 indictee11 indicter11 indictor11 maledict13 predicts13 readdict12 reindict11 verdicts14 addicting14 addiction13 addictive16 apodictic16 benedicts14 dictating13 dictation12 dictators12 dictatory15 dictatrix19 dictature12 dictional12 dictyogen16 edictally15 epidictic16 indictees12 indicters12 indicting13 indiction12 indictors12 interdict12 maledicts14 nonaddict13 predicted15 predicter14 predictor14 readdicts13 redictate12 reindicts12 retrodict12 unpredict14 addictions14 benedictus15 contradict15 dictations13 dictatress13 dictatures13 dictionary16 dictyogens17 dictyosome18 indictable15 indictably18 indictions13 indictment15 interdicts13 maledicted16 nonaddicts14 predicters15 predicting16 prediction15 predictive18 predictors15 readdicted15 redictated14 redictates13 reindicted14 retrodicts13 unindicted14 unpredicts15 vindictive19 apodictical18 benediction16 benedictive19 benedictory19 contradicts16 Show more ...
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