Dictier is valid Scrabble Word

Is dictier a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dictier valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DICTIER in dictionary:

Words related to DICTIER

dictiest11 dicty11

Similar words containing DICTI without suffix er

dicting11 diction10 dictiest11 dictions11 addicting14 addiction13 addictive16 apodictic16 dictional12 epidictic16 indicting13 indiction12 addictions14 dictionary16 indictions13 predicting16 prediction15 predictive18 vindictive19 apodictical18 benediction16 benedictive19 dictionally17 indictional14 maledicting17 malediction16 maledictive19 predictions16 readdicting16 reindicting15 valediction17 benedictions17 dictionaries15 interdicting16 interdiction15 interdictive18 jurisdiction22 jurisdictive25 maledictions17 nonaddictive19 predictively23 retrodicting16 retrodiction15 retrodictive18 unpredicting18 valedictions18 vindictively24 addictiveness20 apodictically23 benedictional18 contradicting19 contradiction18 contradictive21 interdictions16 jurisdictions23 retrodictions16 benedictionals19 contradictions19 contradictious19 interdictively23 jurisdictional24 vindictiveness23 overpredicting23 overprediction22 addictivenesses22 contradictively26 overpredictions23 jurisdictionall25 vindictivenesse24 noncontradictio20 interjurisdicti25 noncontradiction21 jurisdictionally29 vindictivenesses25 noncontradictions22 interjurisdictional29
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