Cop is valid Scrabble Word

Is cop a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cop valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COP in dictionary:

Words related to COP

copped13 copper12 copping14 cops8

Words that contain COP

cope8 cops8 copy11 scop8 copal9 copay12 coped10 copen9 coper9 copes9 coppy14 copra9 copse9 copsy12 scopa9 scope9 scops9 copalm12 copals10 copays13 copeck16 copens10 copers10 copied11 copier10 copies10 coping11 copita10 coplot10 copout10 copped13 copper12 coppin12 copple12 coppra12 coprah13 copras10 copsed11 copses10 copter10 copula10 recopy13 scopae10 scopas10 scoped11 scopes10 uncope10 wicopy16 alcopop13 apocope13 cocopan13 copaiba13 copaiva14 copalms13 copecks17 copepod14 copered12 copiers11 copihue14 copilot11 copings12 copious11 copitas11 coplots11 copouts11 coppers13 coppery16 coppice15 coppies13 copping14 coppins13 copples13 coppras13 coprahs14 copshop16 copsier11 copsing12 copters11 copulae11 copular11 copulas11 copyboy19 copycat16 copying15 copyism16 copyist14 lycopod15 miscopy16 scopate11 scoping12 scopula11 syncope14 uncoped12 uncopes11 alcopops14 apocopes14 apocopic16 attercop12 bioscope14 bioscopy17 cercopid15 cocopans14 cocoplum16 copaibas14 copaivas15 coparent12 copastor12 copatron12 copemate14 copepods15 copering13 copiable14 copihues15 copilots12 coplanar12 copperah17 copperas14 coppered15 coppiced17 coppices16 copremia14 copremic16 coprince14 coprosma14 copshops17 copsiest12 copulate12 copurify18 copyable17 copybook21 copyboys20 copycats17 copydesk20 copyedit16 copygirl16 copyhold19 copyings16 copyisms17 copyists15 copyleft18 copyread16 diascope13 episcope14 episcopy17 helicopt15 iriscope12 lycopene15 lycopods16 lycopsid16 myoscope17 otoscope12 otoscopy15 pericope14 recopied13 recopies12 scopelid13 scopulae12 scopulas12 supercop14 syncopal15 syncopes15 syncopic17 telecopy15 uncoping13 uroscopy15 wicopies15 zooscopy24 aeroscope13 apocopate15 attercops13 auriscope13 autoscopy16 baroscope15 bioscopes15 borescope15 cacophony21 cercopids16 cocoplums17 copacetic17 coparceny18 coparents13 copartner13 copasetic15 copastors13 copataine13 copatriot13 copatrons13 copayment18 copemates15 copesetic15 copestone13 copiloted14 copiously16 coplotted14 copolymer18 copperahs18 coppering16 copperish18 coppicing18 copraemia15 copraemic17 copremias15 copresent13 coprinces15 coproduce16 coproduct16 coprolite13 coprolith16 coprology17 coprosmas15 coprozoic24 copsewood17 copublish18 copulated14 copulates13 copybooks22 copydesks21 copyedits17 copyfight23 copygirls17 copygraph22 copyholds20 copylefts19 copyreads17 copyright20 copytaker20 cryoscope18 cryoscopy21 diascopes14 ecophobia18 endoscope14 endoscopy17 engyscope17 episcopal15 episcopes15 escopette13 fetoscope16 fetoscopy19 gyroscope17 helicopts16 hodoscope17 horoscope16 horoscopy19 iriscopes13 kinescope17 koniscope17 locoplant13 lycopenes16 lycopsids17 macrocopy20 manoscopy18 megascope16 microcopy20 miscopied16 miscopies15 multicopy18 mutoscope15 mycophagy25 mycophile21 myoscopes18 otoscopes13 otoscopic15 ouroscopy16 pericopae15 pericopal15 pericopes15 pericopic17 periscope15 phenocopy21 photocopy21 poroscope15 poroscopy18 pyroscope18 recopying17 rotoscope13 sarcoptic15 scopelids14 scopeloid14 scopoline13 scopulate13 skiascope17 skiascopy20 somascope15 supercops15 sycophant19 syncopate16 syncoptic18 telescope13 telescopy16 turcopole13 uroscopic15 vitascope16 wincopipe18 zooscopic24 engiscope14 copperier15 rheoscope16 aeroscopes14 anemoscope16 apocopated17

How to use COP in a sentence

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