Bran is valid Scrabble Word

Is bran a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bran valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BRAN in dictionary:

Words related to BRAN

branned10 branning11 brans7

Words that contain BRAN

brand8 brane7 brank11 brans7 brant7 branch13 brands9 brandy12 branes8 branks12 branky15 branle8 branny11 brants8 branchy17 branded11 brander10 brangle10 branked14 branles9 branned10 branner9 bransle9 brantle9 rebrand10 vibrant12 zebrano18 brancard13 branched16 brancher15 branches15 branchia15 brandade12 branders11 brandied12 brandies11 branding12 brandise11 brandish14 brangled12 brangles11 brankier14 branking15 branners10 brannier10 branning11 bransles10 brantail10 brantles10 fibranne13 membrane14 misbrand13 nonbrand11 rebranch15 rebrands11 vibrance15 vibrancy18 vibrants13 zebranos19 anabranch16 brancards14 branchers16 branchery19 branchiae16 branchial16 branchier16 branching17 branchlet16 brandades13 brandered13 brandings13 brandises12 brandless12 brandling13 brandreth15 brandying16 brangling13 brankiest15 branniest11 brannigan12 brantails11 celebrant13 cumbrance17 disbranch17 embrangle14 fibrannes14 firebrand15 imbrangle14 membranal15 membraned16 membranes15 misbrands14 rebranded13 subbranch18 terebrant11 unbranded13 vibrances16 vibrantly17 abranchial17 branchiate17 branchiest17 branchings18 branchless17 branchlets17 branchlike21 branchline17 brandering14 brandished17 brandisher16 brandishes16 brandlings14 brandreths16 branglings14 brannigans13 celebrants14 chambranle19 cornbrandy18 cumbrances18 embrangled16 embrangles15 firebrands16 imbrangled16 imbrangles15 membranous16 misbranded16 nudibranch18 rebranched18 rebranches17 rebranding14 terebrants12 unbranched18 vibrancies17 zygobranch30 abranchiate18 anabranches18 brancheries18 branchiopod21 branchlines18 brandishers17 brandishing18 branfulness16 brankursine17 chambranles20 disbranched20 disbranches19 embrangling17 encumbrance19 equilibrant22 imbrangling17 incumbrance19 interbranch18 lophobranch23 membraneous17 misbranding17 nudibranchs19 prosobranch20 pulmobranch22 rebranching19 rebrandings15 remembrance19 subbranches20 surtarbrand14 surturbrand14 tectibranch20 zygobranchs31 multibranch20 branchiopods22 brankursines18 concelebrant18 cornbrandies17 cytomembrane23 dibranchiate20 disbranching21 disembrangle18 elasmobranch21 embranchment23 encumbrancer20 encumbrances20 equilibrants23 incumbrancer20 incumbrances20 lophobranchs24 membranously21 prosobranchs21 pulmobranchs23 remembrancer20 remembrances20 surtarbrands15 surturbrands15 tectibranchs21 branfulnesses18 concelebrants19 cytomembranes24 dibranchiates21 disembrangled20 disembrangles19 elasmobranchs22 embranchments24 embranglement20 encumbrancers21 incumbrancers21 intermembrane19 lamellibranch22 marsipobranch24 membranaceous21 multibranched23 opisthobranch25 perennibranch22 remembrancers21 supermembrane21 transmembrane19 interbranches20 branchiostegal22 disembrangling21 disencumbrance23 embranglements21 lamellibranchs23 marsipobranchs25 mucomembranous24 nudibranchiate22 opisthobranchs26 perennibranchs23 pseudomembrane23 supermembranes22 zygobranchiate34 intermembranes20 disencumbrances24 dorsibranchiate23 lophobranchiate27 nudibranchiates23 pseudomembranes24 pulmobranchiate26 tectibranchiate24 tetrabranchiate22 zygobranchiates35

How to use BRAN in a sentence

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