Ark is valid Scrabble Word

Is ark a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ark valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ARK in dictionary:

Words related to ARK

arked10 arking11 arks8

Words that contain ARK

arks8 bark10 cark10 dark9 hark11 jark15 kark12 lark8 mark10 nark8 park10 rark8 sark8 wark11 yark11 arked10 barks11 barky14 carks11 chark14 darks10 darky13 harks12 jarks16 karks13 larks9 larky12 marka11 marks11 narks9 narky12 parka11 parki11 parks11 parky14 quark18 rarks9 sarks9 sarky12 shark12 snark9 spark11 stark9 warks12 yarks12 arking11 arkite10 arkose10 barkan12 barked13 barken12 barker12 carked13 charka15 charks15 darked12 darken11 darker11 darkey14 darkie11 darkle11 darkly14 debark13 demark13 embark14 harked14 harken13 imbark14 impark14 karked15 larked11 larker10 markas12 marked13 marker12 market12 markka16 markup14 narked11 parkas12 parked13 parkee12 parker12 parkie12 parkin12 parkis12 parkly15 quarks19 rarked11 remark12 repark12 sharks13 snarks10 snarky13 sparke12 sparks12 sparky15 squark19 starks10 unbark12 warked14 Show more ...

How to use ARK in a sentence

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