Tours is valid Scrabble Word

Is tours a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tours valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TOURS in dictionary:

Words related to TOURS

tour4 toured7 touring8

Words that contain TOURS

stours6 detours8 retours7 acatours10 bittours10 contours10 dortours9 ecotours10 faitours11 santours8 stentours9 caliatours12 recontours12 tregetours11 treachetours17

How to use TOURS in a sentence

Similar words containing TOUR without suffix s

tour4 stour5 detour7 notour6 retour6 stoure6 stours6 stoury9 toured7 tourer6 tourie6 acatour9 bittour9 contour9 detours8 dortour8 ecotour9 etourdi8 faitour10 retours7 santour7 stoures7 stourie7 touraco9 tourers7 touries7 touring8 tourism9 tourist7 tourney10 acatours10 bistoury13 bittours10 contours10 detoured10 dortours9 ecotours10 etourdie9 faitours11 retoured9 santours8 stentour8 stourier8 touracos10 tourings9 tourisms10 tourista8 tourists8 touristy11 tourneys11 tournure8 caliatour11 contoured12 detouring11 ecotoured12 entourage10 recontour11 retouring10 stentours9 stouriest9 touristas9 touristed10 touristic11 tournedos10 tourneyed13 tourneyer12 tournures9 tourtiere9 tregetour10 bistouries12 caliatours12 contouring13 ecotouring13 ecotourism14 ecotourist12 entourages11 etourderie11 recontours12 tourbillon12 tourmaline12 tournament12 tourneyers13 tourneying14 tourniquet19 tourtieres10 tregetours11 untouristy13 touristier10 agritourism14 agritourist12 agrotourism14 agrotourist12 ecotourisms15 ecotourists13 etourderies12 pastourelle13 recontoured14 ritournelle11 tourbillion13 tourbillons13 Show more ...
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