Rut is valid Scrabble Word

Is rut a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rut valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RUT in dictionary:

Words related to RUT

ruts4 rutted7 rutting8 ruttings9

Words that contain RUT

brut6 ruth7 ruts4 brute7 bruts7 pruta7 ruths8 rutin5 rutty8 strut5 truth8 astrut6 brutal8 bruted9 bruter8 brutes8 crutch13 frutex16 grutch12 prutah11 prutot8 ruther9 rutile6 rutins6 rutted7 rutter6 scruto8 struts6 truths9 truthy12 struth9 brutely12 bruters9 brutest9 brutify15 bruting10 brutish12 brutism11 druther11 embrute11 frutify16 grutten8 imbrute11 kashrut14 prutoth12 ruthful13 rutiles7 rutters7 ruttier7 ruttily10 rutting8 ruttish10 scrutos9 thrutch15 truther10 untruth10 brutally13 brutings11 brutisms12 crutched16 crutches15 druthers12 embruted13 embrutes12 frutices13 grutched15 grutches14 imbruted13 imbrutes12 kashruth18 kashruts15 mistruth13 nontruth11 rutabaga11 ruthenic13 ruthless11 rutilant8 ruttiest8 ruttings9 scrutiny13 strutted9 strutter8 truthers11 truthful14 truthier11 untruths11 brutalise11 brutalism13 brutalist11 brutality14 brutalize20 brutelike15 bruteness11 brutified15 brutifies14 brutishly17 crutching17 embruting14 fruticose14 frutified16 Show more ...

How to use RUT in a sentence

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