Unusual is valid Scrabble Word

Is unusual a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is unusual valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UNUSUAL in dictionary:

Words related to UNUSUAL

odd5 unusually12 unusualness11

Words that contain UNUSUAL

unusually12 unusualness11 unusualnesses13

How to use UNUSUAL in a sentence

Similar words containing USU without suffix al and without prefix un

susu4 cusum9 lusus5 susus5 usual5 usure5 usurp7 usury8 ausubo8 cusums10 fusuma11 usuals6 usured7 usurer6 usures6 usurps8 ausubos9 busuuti9 lususes7 usually10 usucapt11 usurers7 usuress7 usuries7 usuring8 usurous7 usurped10 usurper9 fusumas12 busulfan13 busuutis10 clausula10 susurrus8 usucapts12 usufruct13 usurious8 usurpers10 usurping11 busulfans14 clausulae11 clausular11 fusulinid13 susurrant9 susurrate9 susurrous9 unusually12 usualness9 usucapion13 usucapted14 usufructs14 usuresses9 usurpedly15 usurpings12 fusulinids14 susurrated11 susurrates10 susurruses10 usucapient14 usucapions14 usucapting15 usucaption14 usufructed16 usuriously13 usurpation12 usurpative15 usurpatory15 usurpature12 usurpingly16 susurrating12 susurration11 unusualness11 usualnesses11 usucapients15 usucaptible17 usucaptions15 usufructing17 usurpations13 usurpatures13 susurrations12 usufructuary20 usuriousness12 unusualnesses13 usufructuaries19 usuriousnesses14
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