Pea is valid Scrabble Word

Is pea a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pea valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PEA in dictionary:

Words related to PEA

pealike13 peas6 pease7

Words that contain PEA

peag7 peak10 peal6 pean6 pear6 peas6 peat6 peau6 apeak11 peace9 peach12 peage8 peags8 peaks11 peaky14 peals7 peans7 peare7 pearl7 pears7 peart7 pease7 peats7 peaty10 peavy13 peaze16 speak11 speal7 spean7 spear7 speat7 appeal10 appear10 cowpea13 peaced11 peaces10 peachy16 peacod11 peages9 peahen11 peaked13 pealed9 peaned9 peanut8 peapod11 pearce10 peares8 pearls8 pearly11 pearst8 peased9 peasen8 peases8 peason8 peavey14 peazed18 peazes17 repeal8 repeat8 speaks12 speals8 speans8 spears8 speary11 speats8 adspeak14 appeach16 appeals11 appears11 appease11 bepearl11 bespeak15 chapeau14 clypeal14 compear13 cowpeas14 empeach16 impeach16 impearl11 nonpeak13 offpeak19 pampean13 peached15 peacher14 peaches14 peacing12 peacoat11 peacock17 peacods12 peafowl15 peahens12 peakier13 peaking14 peakish16 pealike13 pealing10 peaning10 peanuts9 peapods12 pearced12 pearces11 Show more ...

How to use PEA in a sentence

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