Ire is valid Scrabble Word

Is ire a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ire valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for IRE in dictionary:

Words related to IRE

anger6 ired5 ireful9 irefully14 irefulness13 ireless7 ires4 iring6

Words that contain IRE

cire6 dire5 fire7 hire7 ired5 ires4 lire4 mire6 sire4 tire4 vire7 wire7 afire8 aired6 airer5 cires7 direr6 fired9 firer8 fires8 hired9 hiree8 hirer8 hires8 maire7 mired8 mires7 mirex14 moire7 paire7 quire14 shire8 sired6 siree5 siren5 sires5 spire7 stire5 swire8 tired6 tires5 twire8 vaire8 vired9 vireo8 vires8 wired9 wirer8 wires8 zaire14 noire5 scire7 faire8 admire9 airers6 airest6 aspire8 attire6 bemire10 bireme10 desire7 direct9 direly10 direst7 empire10 enfire9 entire6 expire15 faired10 fairer9 firers9 glaire7 gloire7 haired10 heired10 hirees9 hirers9 intire6 ireful9 irenic8 keiren10 laired7 leired7 maires8 moires8 paired9 pairer8 paires8 puirer8 quired16 quires15 refire9 rehire9 retire6 rewire9 saired7 sairer6 satire6 shired10 shires9 sirees6 Show more ...

How to use IRE in a sentence

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