Gat is valid Scrabble Word

Is gat a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gat valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GAT in dictionary:

Words related to GAT

gats5 get4

Words that contain GAT

gate5 gath8 gats5 agate6 begat8 gatch11 gated7 gater6 gates6 gaths9 gator6 ngati6 agates7 algate7 bakgat13 dogate8 ergate7 forgat10 fugato10 gateau7 gaters7 gather10 gating8 gators7 gatvol10 ingate7 jugate14 legate7 legato7 ligate7 loggat8 negate7 ngatis7 nougat7 oxgate14 rugate7 togate7 witgat10 agatise8 agatize17 agatoid9 algates8 dogates9 endgate9 ergates8 frigate11 fugatos11 gatched14 gatcher13 gatches13 gateaus8 gateaux15 gateleg9 gateman10 gatemen10 gateway14 gathers11 gatings9 gatling9 gigaton9 ingates8 legated9 legatee8 legates8 legator8 legatos8 ligated9 ligates8 loggats9 margate10 megaton10 negated9 negater8 negates8 negaton8 negator8 nougats8 outgate8 oxgates15 regatta8 sagathy14 togated9 ungated9 virgate11 vulgate11 witgats11 ablegate11 abnegate11 abrogate11 affogato15 agatised10 agatises9 agatized19 agatizes18 alligate9 arrogate9 avigator12 bijugate18 delegate10 derogate10 divagate13 Show more ...

How to use GAT in a sentence

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