Forging is valid Scrabble Word

Is forging a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is forging valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FORGING in dictionary:

Words related to FORGING

forge9 forged11 forges10 forgings13

Words that contain FORGING

forgings13 reforging14 dropforging19

How to use FORGING in a sentence

Similar words containing FORG without suffix ing

forge9 forgo9 forgat10 forged11 forger10 forges10 forget10 forgot10 forgave14 forgers11 forgery14 forgets11 forgive14 forgoer11 forgoes11 forgone11 reforge11 forgeman14 forgemen14 forgings13 forgiven15 forgiver15 forgives15 forgoers12 forgoing13 reforged13 reforges12 unforged13 unforgot12 dropforge16 forgather16 forgeable15 forgeries13 forgetful16 forgetive16 forgetter13 forgivers16 forgiving17 forgotten13 reforging14 dropforged18 dropforges17 forgathers17 forgetters14 forgettery17 forgetting15 forgivable19 forgivably22 unforgiven17 dropforging19 forgathered19 forgetfully21 forgettable17 forgettings16 forgiveness18 forgivingly22 unforgiving19 unforgotten15 forgathering20 forgeability21 forgetteries16 forgettingly20 unforgivable21 unforgivably24 forgetfulness20 forgivenesses20 forgivingness21 forgottenness17 unforgettable19 unforgettably22 unforgiveness20 forgeabilities20 forgetfulnesses22 forgivingnesses23 forgottennesses19 unforgivenesses22 unforgivingness23 unforgivingnesses25
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