Als is valid Scrabble Word

Is als a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is als valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ALS in dictionary:

Words related to ALS


Words that contain ALS

aals4 also4 bals6 dals5 gals5 mals6 pals6 sals4 cals6 baals7 balsa7 beals7 chals10 coals7 daals6 deals6 dhals9 dials6 duals6 false8 feals8 foals8 geals6 goals6 gyals9 halse8 heals8 meals7 neals5 odals6 opals7 orals5 ovals8 paals7 palsa7 palsy10 peals7 reals5 rials5 ryals8 salsa5 salse5 seals5 sials5 taals5 teals5 twals8 udals6 valse8 veals8 vials8 weals8 zeals14 alsike10 alsoon6 annals6 appals10 argals7 balsam10 balsas8 borals8 bubals10 cabals10 canals8 citals8 copals10 corals8 cowals11 craals8 datals7 decals9 ditals7 durals7 dwaals10 equals15 ethals9 falsed10 falser9 falses9 falsie9 fanals9 femals11 ferals9 finals9 furals9 gayals10 gazals16 gorals7 graals7 halals9 halsed10 halser9 halses9 hamals11 ideals7 jacals15 jouals13 jugals14 kahals13 katals10 Show more ...

How to use ALS in a sentence

Similar words containing AL without suffix s

al2 aal3 ala3 alb5 ale3 alf6 all3 alp5 alt3 alu3 bal5 cal5 dal4 gal4 mal5 pal5 sal3 tal3 aals4 alae4 alan4 alap6 alar4 alas4 alay7 alba6 albe6 albs6 alco6 alec6 alee4 alef7 ales4 alew7 alfa7 alfs7 alga5 alif7 alit4 alko8 alky11 alls4 ally7 alma6 alme6 alms6 alod5 aloe4 aloo4 alow7 alps6 also4 alto4 alts4 alum6 alus4 anal4 aval7 axal11 baal6 bald7 bale6 balk10 ball6 balm8 bals6 balu6 beal6 calf9 calk10 call6 calm8 calo6 calp8 calx13 chal9 coal6 daal5 dale5 dali5 dals5 dalt5 deal5 dhal8 dial5 dual5 eale4 egal5 fall7 falx14 feal7 foal7 gala5 gale5 gall5 gals5 geal5 goal5 gyal8 hale7 Show more ...
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