Sal is valid Scrabble Word

Is sal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SAL in dictionary:

Words related to SAL

sals4 salt4

Words that contain SAL

sale4 sall4 salp6 sals4 salt4 basal7 mesal7 nasal5 psalm9 salad6 salal5 salat5 salep7 sales5 salet5 salic7 salix12 salle5 sally8 salmi7 salol5 salon5 salop7 salpa7 salps7 salsa5 salse5 salto5 salts5 salty8 salue5 salut5 salve8 salvo8 sisal5 vasal8 basalt8 bursal8 byssal11 causal8 cursal8 desalt7 dorsal7 dossal7 futsal9 masala8 mensal8 missal8 morsal8 nasals6 omasal8 pausal8 psalms10 resale6 salaam8 salade7 salads7 salals6 salami8 salary9 salats6 saleps8 salets6 salewd10 salify12 salina6 saline6 saliva9 sallad7 sallal6 sallee6 salles6 sallet6 sallow9 salmis8 salmon8 salols6 salons6 saloon6 saloop8 salops8 salpae8 salpas8 salpid9 salsas6 salses6 salted7 salter6 saltie6 saltly9 saltos6 saltus6 salued7 salues6 saluki10 salute6 salved10 salver9 salves9 salvia9 salvor9 Show more ...

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