Bal is valid Scrabble Word

Is bal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BAL in dictionary:

Words related to BAL

balmoral12 bals6

Words that contain BAL

bald7 bale6 balk10 ball6 balm8 bals6 balu6 balas7 balds8 baldy11 baled8 baler7 bales7 balks11 balky14 balls7 bally10 balms9 balmy12 baloo7 balsa7 balti7 balun7 balus7 bubal9 cabal9 pibal9 sabal7 tubal7 atabal8 balata8 balboa10 balded10 balder9 baldie9 baldly12 baleen8 balers8 baling9 balise8 balked13 balker12 ballad9 ballan8 ballat8 balled9 baller8 ballet8 ballon8 ballot8 ballow11 ballsy11 ballup10 balmed11 baloos8 balsam10 balsas8 baltic10 baltis8 baluns8 barbal10 bubale10 bubals10 cabala10 cabals10 cobalt10 cymbal15 embale10 emball10 embalm12 gimbal11 global9 gymbal14 herbal11 imbalm12 jumbal17 kabala12 pibals10 qabala17 ribald9 robalo8 sabals8 sambal10 timbal10 tombal10 tribal8 tymbal13 unbale8 verbal11 abalone9 airball9 atabals9 babalas11 baladin10 balafon12 balance11 balases9 balatas9 balboas11 balcony14 baldest10 Show more ...

How to use BAL in a sentence

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