Alu is valid Scrabble Word

Is alu a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is alu valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ALU in dictionary:

Words related to ALU

aloo4 alus4

Words that contain ALU

alum6 alus4 balu6 alula5 alums7 alure5 balun7 balus7 galut6 malus7 salue5 salut5 taluk9 talus5 value8 aludel7 alulae6 alular6 alulas6 alumin8 alumna8 alumni8 alures6 baluns8 calalu8 galuth10 galuts7 halutz18 kaluki14 salued7 salues6 saluki10 salute6 taluka10 taluks10 valued10 valuer9 values9 valuta9 aludels8 alumina9 alumine9 alumins9 alumish12 alumium11 alumnae9 alumnus9 alunite7 calalus9 calumba13 calumet11 calumny14 chalupa14 chalutz21 devalue11 galumph15 galuths11 kalukis15 maluses9 paludal10 paludic12 punalua9 revalue10 saluing8 salukis11 saluted8 saluter7 salutes7 talukas11 taluses7 upvalue12 valuate10 valuers10 valuing11 valutas10 aluminas10 alumines10 aluminic12 aluminum12 alumiums12 alumroot10 alunites8 aqualung18 baluster10 calumbas14 calumets12 calutron10 chalupas15 chugalug15 crotalum12 devalued13 devalues12 disvalue12 evaluate11 galumphs16 halutzim22 kalumpit16 misvalue13 outvalue11 paludine11 paludism13 Show more ...

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