Wired is valid Scrabble Word

Is wired a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wired valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WIRED in dictionary:

Words related to WIRED

wire7 wires8 wiring10

Words that contain WIRED

twired10 rewired11 unwired11 prewired14 wiredraw15 wiredrew15 hardwired17 wiredrawn16 wiredraws16 underwired15 wiredrawer17 wiredrawers18 wiredrawing19 wiredrawings20

How to use WIRED in a sentence

Similar words containing WIR without suffix ed

wire7 wiry10 swire8 swirl8 twire8 twirl8 twirp10 wirer8 wires8 wirra8 wirri8 aswirl9 rewire9 swires9 swirls9 swirly12 twired10 twires9 twirls9 twirly12 twirps11 twirpy14 unwire9 wirers9 wirier9 wirily12 wiring10 wirrah12 haywire16 prewire12 rewired11 rewires10 swirled11 twiring11 twirled11 twirler10 unwired11 unwires10 wirable12 wireman12 wiremen12 wiretap12 wireway16 wiriest10 wirilda11 wirings11 wirrahs13 zipwire21 barbwire15 hardwire15 haywires17 nanowire11 newswire14 prewired14 prewires13 rewiring12 swirlier11 swirling12 tripwire13 twirlers11 twirlier11 twirling12 twirpier13 unwiring12 wiredraw15 wiredrew15 wirehair14 wireless11 wirelike15 wireline11 wiretaps13 wireways17 wirework18 wireworm16 wirewove17 wirildas12 wiriness11 wirricow16 zipwires22 barbwires16 crosswire14 hardwired17 hardwires16 microwire16 nanowires12 newswires15 prewiring15 rewirable14 rewirings13 swirliest12 tightwire16 tripwires14 twirliest12 twirpiest14 underwire13 wiredrawn16 wiredraws16 wireframe17 wiregrass13 wirehairs15 wirelines12 wirephoto17 wireworks19 wireworms17 wirricows17 fencewire17 cheesewire18 crosswires15 hardwiring18 microwires17 swirlingly17 tightwires17 underwired15 underwires14 wiredrawer17 wireframes18 wirehaired17 wirelessed14 wirelesses13 wirelessly16 wirephotos18 wirepuller15 wiretapped18 wiretapper17 wirewalker20 wireworker20 wirinesses13 fencewires18 cheesewires19 underwiring16 wiredrawers18 wiredrawing19 wiregrasses15 wirelessing15 wirepullers16 wirepulling17 wiretappers18 wiretapping19 wirewalkers21 wireworkers21 wireworking22 underwirings17 wiredrawings20 wirepullings18 wiretappings20 wireworkings23
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