Tag is valid Scrabble Word

Is tag a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tag valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAG in dictionary:

Words related to TAG

tagged9 tagging10 taggings11 tags5

Words that contain TAG

stag5 tags5 etage6 retag6 stage6 stags6 stagy9 taggy10 tagma8 dotage8 eatage7 etages7 geotag8 metage9 outage7 potage9 ragtag8 retags7 sontag7 staged8 stager7 stages7 stagey10 staggy11 tagged9 taggee8 tagger8 tagine7 tagrag8 taguan7 ajutage15 ataghan11 bashtag13 cartage10 centage10 cottage10 cuttage10 dotages9 eatages8 ecotage10 etagere8 flotage11 footage11 geotags9 hangtag12 hashtag14 hostage11 intagli8 lastage8 meltage10 metages10 metatag10 mintage10 montage10 mutagen10 nametag10 octagon10 onstage8 outages8 patagia10 pontage10 portage10 postage10 potager10 potages10 pottage10 ragtags9 restage8 rootage8 scutage10 septage10 sontags8 stagers8 stagery11 stagged10 stagger9 staggie9 stagier8 stagily11 staging9 syntagm13 tagetes8 taggant9 taggees9 taggers9 taggier9 tagging10 tagines8 tagless8 taglike12 tagline8 tagmata10 tagmeme12 tagrags9 taguans8 tentage8 unitage8 upstage10 vantage11 ventage11 vintage11 Show more ...

How to use TAG in a sentence

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