Spelling is valid Scrabble Word

Is spelling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spelling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPELLING in dictionary:

Words related to SPELLING

spell7 spelled10 spellings12 spells8 spelt7

Words that contain SPELLING

spellings12 dispelling14 gospelling14 respelling13 spellingly16 unspelling13 gospellings15 misspelling16 outspelling14 respellings14 misspellings17 disgospelling18

How to use SPELLING in a sentence

Similar words containing SPELL without suffix ing

spell7 spells8 respell9 spelled10 speller9 unspell9 bonspell12 gospelly14 misspell12 outspell10 respells10 spellers10 spellful13 unspells10 bonspells13 dispelled13 dispeller12 gospelled13 gospeller12 misspells13 outspells11 respelled12 spellable13 spellbind14 spelldown15 spellican13 spellings12 unspelled12 dispellers13 dispelling14 gospellers13 gospelling14 gospellise13 gospellize22 misspelled15 outspelled13 respelling13 spellbinds15 spellbound15 spellcheck23 spelldowns16 spellicans14 spellingly16 spellstopt14 unspelling13 gospellier13 gospellings15 gospellised15 gospellises14 gospellized24 gospellizes23 misspelling16 outspelling14 respellings14 spellbinder16 spellchecks24 gospelliest14 counterspell16 gospellising16 gospellizing25 misspellings17 spellbinders17 spellbinding18 spellchecked26 spellchecker25 counterspells17 disgospelling18 spellcheckers26 spellchecking27 spellbindingly23
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