Sling is valid Scrabble Word

Is sling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SLING in dictionary:

Words related to SLING

slang6 slinger8 slingers9 slinging10 slings7 slung6

Words that contain SLING

isling7 slings7 slingy10 aisling8 gosling9 pusling10 slinger8 unsling8 aislings9 birsling11 brisling11 enisling9 fissling12 goslings10 hassling12 hirsling12 housling12 inisling9 measling11 moslings11 mousling11 mudsling12 nousling9 nursling9 quisling18 rassling9 riesling9 slingers9 slinging10 tousling9 tussling9 unslings9 warsling12 slingier9 brislings12 houslings13 mudslings13 noursling10 nurslings10 quislings19 rieslings10 slingback18 slingshot13 whaisling16 wrassling13 slingiest10 gunslinger12 mudslinger14 slingbacks19 slingshots14 slingstone11 unslinging12 gunslingers13 gunslinging14 mudslingers15 mudslinging16 quislingism23 slingstones12 gunslingings15 mudslingings17 quislingisms24 crosslinguistic20 crosslinguistically27

How to use SLING in a sentence

Similar words containing SL without suffix ing

sly6 isle4 slab6 slae4 slag5 slam6 slap6 slat4 slaw7 slay7 sleb6 sled5 slee4 slew7 sley7 slid5 slim6 slip6 slit4 slob6 sloe4 slog5 slop6 slot4 slow7 slub6 slue4 slug5 slum6 slur4 slut4 aisle5 easle5 gusla6 gusle6 gusli6 isled6 isles5 islet5 lisle5 pusle7 slabs7 slack11 slade6 slaes5 slags6 slaid6 slain5 slake9 slams7 slane5 slang6 slank9 slant5 slaps7 slart5 slash8 slate5 slats5 slaty8 slave8 slaws8 slays8 slebs7 sleds6 sleek9 sleep7 sleer5 sleet5 slept7 slews8 sleys8 slice7 slick11 slide6 slier5 slily8 slime7 slims7 slimy10 slink9 slipe7 slips7 slipt7 slish8 slits5 slive8 sloan5 slobs7 sloes5 slogs6 sloid6 slojd13 slomo7 sloom7 sloop7 sloot5 slope7 slops7 slopy10 slorm7 slosh8 sloth8 slots5 slove8 slows8 sloyd9 slubb9 slubs7 slued6 slues5 sluff11 slugs6 sluit5 slump9 slums7 slung6 slunk9 slurb7 slurp7 slurs5 sluse5 slush8 sluts5 slyer8 slyly11 slype10 tesla5 aisled7 aisles6 aslake10 aslant6 asleep8 aslope8 aslosh9 bassly11 birsle8 easles6 enisle6 esloin6 fissle9 gaslit7 goslet7 grisly10 guslar7 guslas7 gusles7 guslis7 haslet9 hassle9 hirsle9 inisle6 island7 islets6 isling7 jeesly16 lisles6 loslyf12 maslin8 measle8 measly11 mislay11 misled9 mislie8 mislit8 mousle8 muesli8 muslin8 nousle6 nursle6 oxslip15 pusled9 pusles8 pusley11 pussly11 rassle6 slabby13 slacks12 slades7 slaggy11 slahal9 slaids7 slairg7 slaked11 slaker10 slakes10 slalom8 slanes6 slangs7 slangy10 slants6 slanty9 slarts6 slatch11 slated7 slater6 slates6 slatey9 slaved10 slaver9 slaves9 slavey12 slayed10 slayer9 sleave9 sleaze15 sleazo15 sleazy18 sleded8 sledge8 sleech11 sleeks10 sleeky13 sleeps8 sleepy11 sleest6 sleets6 sleety9 sleeve9 sleezy18 sleigh10 sleuth9 slewed10 sliced9 slicer8 slices8 slicks12 slided8 slider7 slides7 sliest6 slieve9 slight10 slimed9 slimes8 slimly11 slimsy11 slings7 slinks10 slinky13 sliped9 slipes8 slippy13 slipup10 slitty9 slived10 sliven9 sliver9 slives9 sloans6 slobby13 slogan7 sloids7 slojds14 sloken10 slomos8 slooms8 sloomy11 sloops8 sloosh9 sloots6 sloped9 sloper8 slopes8 sloppy13 slorms8 sloshy12 sloths9 slouch11 slough10 sloven9 slowed10 slower9 slowly12 sloyds10 slubbs10 slubby13 sludge8 sludgy11 sluffs12 sluice8 sluicy11 sluing7 sluits6 slummy13 slumps10 slumpy13 slurbs8 slurps8 slurpy11 slurry9 slurve9 sluses6 slushy12 slutch11 slutty9 slyest9 slyish12 slypes11 suslik10
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