Rite is valid Scrabble Word

Is rite a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rite valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RITE in dictionary:

Words related to RITE

riteless8 rites5

Words that contain RITE

rites5 trite5 urite5 write8 barite8 cerite8 curite8 frites9 karite10 nerite6 norite6 pyrite11 sprite8 triter6 trites6 urites6 verite9 writer9 writes9 attrite7 azurite16 barites9 bedrite10 cerites9 cowrite12 cuprite11 curites9 diorite8 eucrite9 ferrite10 guerite8 karites11 merited10 nacrite9 nerites7 neurite7 nitrite7 norites7 picrite11 pyrites12 rewrite10 sorites7 sprites9 thorite10 tritely10 tritest7 unwrite10 verites10 writers10 yperite12 aegirite9 amberite12 ankerite12 argyrite12 attrited9 attrites8 azurites17 bedrites11 chlorite13 contrite10 cowriter13 cowrites13 criteria10 cuprites12 dendrite10 diorites9 dolerite9 epitrite10 eucrites10 favorite14 ferrites11 fluorite11 guerites9 iodyrite12 laborite10 laterite8 lazurite17 liparite10 miswrite13 nacrites10 nephrite13 neurites8 nitrites8 outwrite11 picrites12 rewriter11 rewrites11 riteless8 ritenuto8 roburite10 sclerite10 siderite9 skywrite18 spirited11 spritely13 sybarite13 tenorite8 tephrite13 thorites11 unwrites11 worrited12 Show more ...

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