Chlorite is valid Scrabble Word

Is chlorite a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is chlorite valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CHLORITE in dictionary:

Words related to CHLORITE

chlorites14 chloritic16

Words that contain CHLORITE

chlorites14 hypochlorite25 hypochlorites26

How to use CHLORITE in a sentence

Similar words containing CHLOR without suffix ite

chloral12 chloric14 chlorid13 chlorin12 alachlor13 chlorals13 chlorate13 chlordan14 chloride14 chlorids14 chlorine13 chlorins13 chlorous13 alachlors14 antichlor14 chloracne16 chlorates14 chlordane15 chlordans15 chlorella14 chlorides15 chloridic17 chlorines14 chlorites14 chloritic16 chloroses14 chlorosis14 chlorotic16 euchloric16 euchlorin14 antichlors15 bichloride18 chloracnes17 chloralism17 chloralose15 chloramine17 chlordanes16 chlorellas15 chloridate16 chloridise16 chloridize25 chlorinate15 chlorinise15 chlorinity18 chlorinize24 chlorodyne19 chloroform20 chlorophyl23 chloroquin24 dichloride17 dichlorvos19 euchlorine15 euchlorins15 heptachlor20 perchloric19 anthochlore19 bichlorides19 chloracetic20 chloralisms18 chloralosed17 chloraloses16 chloramines18 chloridated18 chloridates17 chloridised18 chloridises17 chloridized27 chloridizes26 chlorimeter18 chlorimetry21 chlorinated17 chlorinates16 chlorinator16 chlorinised17 chlorinises16 chlorinized26 chlorinizes25 chlorodynes20 chloroforms21 chlorometer18 chlorometry21 chlorophyll24 chlorophyls24 chloroplast18 chloroprene18 chloroquine25 chloroquins25 chlorpicrin20 clinochlore18 dichlorides18 euchlorines16 heptachlors21 perchlorate18 perchloride19 subchloride19 trichlorfon19 trichloride17 chlorosises16 achlorhydria24 achlorhydric26 Show more ...
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