Rig is valid Scrabble Word

Is rig a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rig valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RIG in dictionary:

Words related to RIG

rigged9 rigging10 riggings11 rigs5

Words that contain RIG

brig7 frig8 grig6 prig7 rigg6 rigs5 trig5 brigs8 derig7 frigs9 grigs7 prigs8 rerig6 riggs7 right9 rigid7 rigol6 rigor6 sprig8 strig6 trigo6 trigs6 unrig6 aright10 bright12 brigue9 derigs8 dirige8 friges10 fright13 frigid11 frigot10 grigri8 origan7 origin7 outrig7 rerigs7 rigged9 rigger8 righto10 rights10 righty13 rigids8 riglin7 rigoll7 rigols7 rigors7 rigour7 rigout7 runrig7 sprigs9 striga7 strigs7 trigly10 trigon7 trigos7 unrigs7 wright13 alright11 ardrigh12 brigade11 brigand11 brights13 brigued11 brigues10 diriges9 frigate11 frigged13 frigger12 frights14 frigots11 garigue9 grigged11 grigris9 headrig12 larigan8 origami10 origane8 origans8 origins8 outrigs8 perigee10 perigon10 porrigo10 prigged12 prigger11 prurigo10 riggald10 riggers9 rigging10 riggish12 righted12 righten11 righter11 rightly14 rigider9 rigidly12 rigling9 riglins8 rigolls8 rigours8 Show more ...

How to use RIG in a sentence

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